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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Interdisciplinary Computer Art

Integrates artistic pursuits (photography, drawing, painting, music, writing and/or video) into the digital realm. Students create animation, digital illustrations and photo manipulations using the computer. Prerequisite: ART209.

Subject Code: ART

Course Number: 214

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours 2

Lab Hours: 2

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Select appropriate digital-art media given specific criteria or requirements.
2. Create a digital-art project using proper audio, film, comic book, and/or digital-art interactive gaming.
3. Create a writer’s statement for a digital-art project.
4. Describe proper digital-art programming use of design.
5. Define visual elements in digital art.

Effective Term: Fall 2020

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Student working in library at night

Tutoring Services

Tutoring for all GCC students is available free of charge by professional and peer tutors. We are offering tutoring online for: accounting, math, writing, chemistry, physics, general biology, anatomy & physiology, American Sign Language, and success skills.