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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Most of Genesee’s Business programs require a cooperative work experience. Students work in businesses related to their major, giving them an opportunity to apply classroom skills to a working environment. Cooperative Education opportunities can be located at the Career Services Office or on Purple Briefcase, their job posting website.

For more information about co-ops, review the Frequently Asked Questions about co-ops. You can also contact one of the following faculty members with specific questions regarding registration for the course, course policies and to request a copy of the Cooperative Education Manual or Course Outline.

Laura Taylor
Room D383
585-343-0055 x6390

Amy Slusser
Room D297
585-343-0055 x6332

Lina LaMattina
Room D269
585-343-0055 x6319

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a co-op? (Cooperative Education)

A co-op is a way to gain hands-on experience in a business related to your field of study. It is an opportunity to build your resume, gain skills and network with industry professionals. Co-ops are listed in GCC’s Course Catalog as BUS 217 – Cooperative Education.

Are there pre-requisites for taking BUS 217?

Yes. You must have completed 24 credit hours and have a GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Can my current employer fulfill my co-op?

Yes, if the job meets the criteria designated by your faculty member, if you employer approves it and if the job is related to your field of study.

Do I have to come to classes?

Initially, you will want to make an appointment with your faculty member to discuss the program. However, there is no official class time associated with BUS 217.

How many hours do I have to work?

You must complete a minimum of 140 hours of paid or unpaid work, They can be full or part-time hours.

How many credits will I earn?

You will earn 3 credit hours after completing the course.

What if I quit or lose my job?

First, you MUST communicate with your faculty member. Let the faculty member know of any issues that are happening. Refer to the Termination For Cause statement in the syllabus.

How am I evaluated?

In addition to your faculty member grading your written project packet, you will receive and evaluation from your employer that will factor into your grade. See the Grading Criteria section of your syllabus for specific point allocations.

Do I receive a letter grade for BUS 217?

Yes. An A through F grade is assigned as per the grading criteria in the syllabus

Does the course transfer to a four-year college?

Most colleges do accept co-op credit for transfer. Colleges that have current articulations with GCC will accept BUS 217 credit.

What if I can’t find a job?

We will help you find a place to work that is related to your career goal. Do not wait to notify your faculty member if you need help finding a job. If you anticipate needing assistance, please make an appointment with your faculty member immediately. A list of job opportunities are available through Purple Briefcase on the Career Services website.

How does my faculty member evaluate me?

You are responsible for giving your employer/supervisor the evaluation form found in your packet. In addition, before a final grade is entered, the faculty member will contact your employer for feedback.
Where can I get help with technology issues associated with the course materials on Black Board?
Help is available in any of the computer labs, your faculty member may be able to help you with specific information associated with the course and the GCC Help Desk can be reached at or X6227 on campus.